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The Uses and Understanding of the Body in Performance, at Klaipeda faculty/Vilnius Academy of Arts

Dates: November28th  – 30th , 2016(students should arrive 27th of November and leave the 1st of December.
Location: Vilnius Academy of Arts,  Klaipeda faculty. Address: Darzu 18, Klaipeda, Lithuania. NOTICE THAT THE COURSE TAKES PLACE IN KLAIPEDIA, BUT NOT IN VILNIUS CITY.
Open for: 4 KUNO students (BA)
Teacher: Dr. VictorManuelRamirezLadrondeGuevara (University ofPlymouth, GB)
ECTS:  1,5
How to apply: apply with a short motivational letter and a link to your portoflio to the lecturer of the Contemporaray and Media art department, Monika Klimaite (
Application deadline: 20th of November

This workshop will explore the possibility of using the body of the performer as a ‘laboratory’ to generate knowledge of the culture in which that body is situated.  There is a common tendency amongst many people to think about the body as a given, a ‘thing’ that we carry with us and that has little impact in the generation of knowledge. However, this workshop will contest the purely ‘utilitarian’ understanding of the body and propose that what we understand as our bodies is in fact a rather contested and problematic field.  Aiming to resist mechanistic and Cartesian approaches to the body, participants will explore during these sessions the diverse meanings, roles,  and functions of their bodies, thus allowing them to ‘use’ them in novel and (perhaps) unexpected ways. As such, the body might become a site of (political and/or artistic) resistance, or it may aid the performer to question and investigate a number of cultural materials (such as time, flesh, and identity). The practical sessions will conclude in the development of a small performance.

You can find additional information about Dr. VictorManuelRamirezLandrondeGuevara here:

Victor Ladron de Guevara is a lecturer in Theatre and Performance Studies at Plymouth University. His scholarly work is centred on the study of intercultural performance practices, the use and understanding of the body in performance and the interrelationship between theory and practice. He also has 20 years experience as a performer and director working in México and England and has trained in a range of diverse disciplines embracing aspects of Eastern as well as Western theatre praxis.