Location: Vilnius Academy of Arts, Nida Art Colony
Open for 2 KUNO students
(BA)ECTS: 1.5
How to apply: Apply with a short motivational letter and a link to your portoflio to the coordinator of the course Živilė Jasutytė (jasutyte@gmail.com)
Application deadline: 7th of May
This course is aimed at finding a personal approach towards traveling and gathering materials for inspiration from a specific location.Seven days of excursions throughout the Curonian Spit on foot, bike or bus (24/05-01/06).
Finding personal ideas, impressions, passions in a unique natural place and turning them into “artifacts” through artistic means.
The evenings will be dedicated to presentations, reflections and discussions about the findings.
Four teachers will help by leading the excursions and giving feedback:
Živilė Jasutytė assc. prof. for painting (Vilnius Academy of Arts);
Algis Kensminas lecture in sculpture and mosaic (Vilnius Academy of Arts);
Dorota Sąc prof. of textile (W. Strzemińskiego Art Academy in Lodz);
Marek Sąc prof. of painting (W. Strzemińskiego Art Academy in Lodz).