Teaching period: 12-23 March
Teacher(s): Ieva Misevičiūtė
Number of available places for KUNO students: 2
Level: BA (MA students welcome)
Application deadline: 16 february
How to apply: Send an email with your application stating your full name, email, name of home school and year of study and level together with a short motivation to charlotta.osterberg@khm.lu.se
Course description: In Power Trip, we are interested in rewiring the mind through a high-energy physical work. It consists of two-hour workshops; built as a flow of movements that plunges you into a strong visual imaginarium. It may feel like someone is shooting a film in your head and streaming it live through your body. We incorporate Japanese style body-work with training techniques from dance, theater and comedy fields.
As artists we are so dependent on our ability to think outside the box, that I believe sometimes it is necessary to get out of our heads first, dive deep into our bodies and then return to a fresh pallet of thoughts.
The course introduces students to the basics of different traditions of body-work, with an emphasis on Eastern Physical Theater methodologies (Butoh, Noh Theater, Kabuki); we will work on expanding movement vocabulary, all of which is in service of finding new revenues to heighten imagination and energetic presents.