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The Artist talk as a performat at Funen Art Academy

Title of course: The Artist talk as a performat
Teaching period: March 12 – 16, 2018
Teacher(s): Kasia Fudakowski
Number of available place for KUNO students: 4
Open to all

How to apply:
Send an email with a short motivation why you would like to participate in the workshop, name of home school, study year and a short description of your artistic practice.
-Send an e-mail to and please put "KUNO Workshop" in the subject line.
Application deadline: 12th February

Course description:
5 day workshop investigating the artist talk as a performative format.

The artist talk being a challenge that we often face (both doing and enduring), the workshop aims to identify different ways of conveying the nature of artistic process and product to an audience with a focus on identifying the rules of the game and playing with them. 

The week will involve an artist talk by Kasia Fudakowski, a talk by Fudakowski on the work of two other artist: Andy Kaufman and Lee Lozano, a seminar on various examples of artists who have played with the format, acknowledging the ephemeral nature of sometimes only anecdotal evidence, for example: Andrea Fraser, Julien Bismuth, Petrit Halilaj, Jonathan Monk and Gabriele De Santis, Martin Creed, Jacob V Joyce, Chloe hervé + Louise Maillet, Esther Ferrer, Alexis Guillier, Paul Haworth, Hito Steyerl, Amalia Ullman, Leandro Nerefuh, Kapwani Kiwanga, Rabih Mroué, Annie sprinkle, David Robbins, Moyra Davey and Kris Kraus, and end with 30 minute presentations from each participant on either their own work, or the work of an artist they choose.