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Print Workshop in Seyðisfjörður, Iceland University of the Arts

Teaching period: January 6-18, 2020
Arrival day in Iceland:
5 January
Departure day from Iceland:
19 January
Sigurður Atli Sigurðsson, Linus Lohmann, Litten Nyström
Number of available place for KUNO students: 2
BA. MA applicants are welcome. 

Application deadline: 13 November 2019
How to apply:

Please send a letter of motivation, max 100 words and three images of previous work (.jpg, .pdf).Send to Edda Kristín Sigurjónsdóttir, fine art department coordinator at 

Course description:
During the course students will set up a silkscreen printing workshop at Seyðisfjörður in the East Fjords of Iceland. Students will then use those facilities for working in printmaking. They will also be introduced to other techniques in collaboration with other institutions in town, depending on the individual practice of each student. They will study the arrangement of the workshops and by doing so developing a deeper understanding of the printmaking process and key elements in the production of a printed work. Other processes will also be introduced such as the stretching of a mesh in a silk screen frame, the assembly of an exposure unit, preparation of a drying facility and the organisation of the printing process. Each student will work individually on an editioned graphic work under the guidance of specialists in printmaking. The individual works as well as the workshop itself will form an exhibition at Skaftfell Center of Visual Art. 

Practical information: ATTENTION!

Location of the workshop is Seyðisfjörður, town in east of Iceland.

Local travel and cost of travel to Seyðisfjordur: Departure from Fine Art Department Laugarnesvegur 91, Reykjavík is January 6, at 08.00 am. Arrival to same location Reykjavík January 18, at 21.00 pm. The journey is with a bus, 11-12 hours with stops. The price for the bus is 23.500 ISK pr student or about 170 eur.

The accommodation in Seydisfjordur has been arranged by the university (free of charge to students).
-2 nights in Reykjavik: students will have to pay for and arrange their two nights in Reykjavík (prior to departure to Seydisfjordur/arrival day in Iceland - and upon return from Seydisfjordur).

Board: students must be ready to arrange and pay for the meals on location.