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Sound in Interaction at Konsfack

Teaching period: weeks 6 & 7, 3rd to 14th of February 2020 (travel days not included)
Teacher(s): Ricardo Atienza, Robin McGinley, Monica Sand
Number of available place for KUNO students: 5-8
Level: BA and MA
Requirements: No previous knowledge needed

Application deadline: 16th of December 2019
How to apply:
Send the application form (link) together with a short motivation letter (1 A4 maximum) and send it to

Course description:
The aim of this course is to explore interactive and real-time processes within the field of sound and in connection with other sensorial dimensions. Essentially organized as a workshop, the participants will develop their skills via the realization of a collective sensitive environment to be exhibited at the end of the course. 

Click here for full course description

Additional information:

Schedule: 40 hours in 10 half-day (9.00 to 12.00) or full-day sessions (9.00-12.00 and 13.00-16.00)

For more information on the course, please contact

For information regarding your visit and Konstfack, please contact Katarina Stanisz: