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Small Realities - Reconstructing Reality

Teaching period: September 3-8, 2024

Location: Nida Art Colony (VDA), Lithuania

Teacher(s): prof. Žilvinas Lilas


Number of available places for KUNO students: 6

Level: BA /MA

Course description
Small Realities - Reconstructing Reality (later SR-RR) is a facilitator of artistic action focused on surroundings, perception, the factual, the remembered, and the desired, the interferences and obstacles, the real and the believed.
SR-RR is a 3rd International Media Refuge - a joint event of Caspar-David-Friedrich Institute of the University of Greifswald; Academy of Media Arts, Cologne; Turku University of Applied Sciences; Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and Vilnius Art Academy. The previous events commenced at Naples and Cologne.
The practical idea of this residency is to observe, perceive and record Nida's surroundings using a variety of media, from traditional ones such as text, drawing, gesture/movement, photography, video and sound recording to new forms such as 3D scanning / photogrammetry. Students can work alone or in groups and engage in a mixture of outdoor and indoor activities, interspersed with periodic critical brainstorming sessions around the bonfire.
We plan a small work-in-progress exhibition on the premises of Nida Art Colony. The goal is to create what is possible with the tools that are at hand while using the visible and the seen in order to create new trains of visual thought inside the field of uncharted new media. It is expected to have a wide variety of different approaches such as but not limited to light/projection, sound, performative, and situated strategies.

Application deadline: August 16 (Friday), 2024 at 18:00 (CEST)

How to apply: Please send a short motivation letter (one A4 page maximum) with a link to your portfolio to Žilvinas Lilas at:, with a subject heading “KUNO SR-RR Nida 2024”

Financial Support by KUNO:
Travel support between countries: 330 € (except 660 € to/from Iceland)
Subsistence: 250 € -1st week (5-7 days).

- only BA and MA full-degree students from the KUNO network schools can participate;
-exchange students from other institutions, which do not belong to the KUNO network, studying at one of the KUNO network schools, CANNOT participate;
- full-degree students from the KUNO network schools, currently on exchange at another institution, CANNOT participate (neither with nor without the KUNO grant).

In case of any questions please do not hesitate to contact Zilvinas Lilas at:

Earlier Event: July 22
Ghostology VII-b - Ghost of Desire
Later Event: September 13
(re)Forumlating the Art School