Dates: October 10 – October 14, 2016
Location: Vilnius Academy of Arts
Open for 4 KUNO students (MA)
How to apply: Apply with a short motivational letter and a link to your portoflio to the head of the Graphic art department, Marija Marcelionytė-Paliukė ( deadline: September 25th
Workshop title: “A mirror walking down a strange street”
Teacher: Richard Noyce (UK), writer and artists.
Description:The cycle of lectures, workshop and seminar, combined with visits to individual students’s studios, is aimed at creating opportunities for sharing information and opening the dialogue about the condition of art in the 21st century. It is aimed at all students undertaking a course with a visual arts basis at Masters and PhD level, and to provoke questions as much as it offers answers. The title for the programme, ‘a mirror walking down a strange street’, is a quotation from a poem by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, ‘a poem is a mirror/walking down a strange street’.
The Participative Workshop on Written Communication for Artists will require some preparatory work from the participants before the workshop, from which critique and discussion can emerge. In an age in which the mediums of communication evolve into the electronic media it remains important that artists and designers develop their skills in both reading and writing in the conventional sense.
You can find additional information about Richard Noyce here.