Course title: Lets Mobilize! What is Feminist Pedagogy?
Responsible teacher: Mary Coble, Fine Art Senior Lecturer, Valand Academy
Level: Open for both BA and MA level
Dates: 12-14 October 2016
Deadline for applying: 30 September by noon
KUNO students: 5
Location: Valand Academy, University of Gothenburg Sweden
How to apply: Apply with a short motivation statement of 300 words or less and 3 images to Mary Coble at
Please put KUNO in the subject line.
Deadline to apply: September 30th by noon
Selection:The feminist pedagogies working group will select applicants based on the motivation statement/work submitted.
How can we understand justice and diversity in ways that are not blind to differences in gender, sexual orientation, race, class and dis/ability in the name of equality? How can feminist and queer admission policies be developed and implemented within institutions? Can management be thought of more in terms of care than administration? What does it actually require to decolonize the curriculum? What is possible within self-organized learning environments that is not within the institution? When do we learn? How is knowledge transmitted and validated? What is the agency of publishing and documenting, of citation practices? What are the acquisition politics of our libraries and databases? How can we broaden our understanding of feminist and non-Eurocentric knowledge? What kind of resources are we accessing to do so?
Together let’s practice feminist pedagogies: Let’s experiment with formats of knowledge production. Let’s collectively prepare and eat food. Let’s change the architecture of the classroom. Let’s test out when and how we learn. Let’s rework the role of presenter and the audience. Let’s find structures that don’t marginalize or silence.
For a program, the glossary which maps the concepts and the ways the mobilization was worked and to download the mobilization workbook go to:
English and Swedish will be the most commonly used languages of the mobilization. There may be various other languages used which will be encouraged and supported as part of a communal effort to understand each other.
This mobilization is the culmination of Valand Academy’s 150 year anniversary and builds on the Critical Practice conference (October 2015) and the Meaning Making Meaning exhibition held at A-venue (March 2016).
It is organized by the feminist pedagogies working group at Valand Academy which at the moment is Andreas Engman, Eva Weinmayr, Gabo Camnitzer, Kanchan Burathoki, Mary Coble and Rose Borthwick.
Objectives: See description. This mobilization is an investigation. The objectives are to ask, learn, exchange dialogue and to build communities for future actions.
Assessment: Full comittment to attendance and participation. A short written critical reflection or text work on the issues raised during the mobilization will be asked for by November 1st.
Mary Coble
Artist/Senior Lecturer
Fri Konst MFA Programme
Valand Academy, University of Gothenburg