4th iteration of DIY Nida Equinox and Media E(q)cology School (NEMES)
Teaching period: 20-25th of September, 2022
Location: Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts, Lithuania
Curator Samantha Lippett
Philosopher and artist prof. dr. David Quigley
Artist dr. Vitalij Červiakov https://vitaleus.com/pass/
Artist Mag. Tata Frenkel (conceiver of Unseen Arts Master programme)
Convenor-moderator prof. dr. Vytautas Michelkevičius
Number of available places for KUNO students: 7
Level: BA (from the 3rd year) /MA
Course desription: Post-summer school brings together artists and researchers to re-think the contemporary geopolitical situation and do things together as artists. The school will also host Ukrainian art students. You will be able to choose one of the 5 labs and migrate between them if you like.
How do we situate ourselves and our art practices amidst the contemporary geopolitics and war? What kind of art should we make and how do the contemporary circumstances change it? How does our practice sit within the societal dimension? Do we throw out our paintbrushes and begin a community radio or urban garden project? What should I now read, how do I write about and present my artistic research and practice? How can we collaborate with limited resources? How do we advocate for and practice inclusivity within the art school and our everyday lives?
The goal of the post-summer school is to share and reflect upon the last year of your BA/ MA (artistic research) projects, gain feedback and support in writing. We will close the school by producing (e)zines together to share our experiences and make a record of our ideas for the future.
Application deadline: 15.07.2022
How to apply: Please fill in the Google Form https://forms.gle/h1oGQngNuGfo2p8k6 by the 15th July. We hope to reach back to you until end of July. You will need to link your CV and portfolio, as well as briefly respond to our questions in the description below (up to 300 words and/or 3 images, 3 minutes of video/ sound).
Financial Support by KUNO:
Travel support between countries: 330 € (except 660 € to/from Iceland)
Subsistence per week: 100 €
More information on the course and the tutors
In case of any questions please contact gaile.cijunaityte@vda.lt